The state-of-the-art Genesis Mobile Lounge, also known as the Mobile Showroom, embarked on its journey in 2021 and has captivated audiences across Europe ever since. This remarkable roadshow has pushed boundaries and inspired spectators by displaying the latest Genesis cars. From vibrant festivals to upscale events, this Mobile Showroom has traversed various venues, from snowy […]
In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, businesses are increasingly seeking sustainable solutions that align with their commitment to a greener future. Roadshows, with their inherent characteristics and innovative approaches, emerge as a powerful force driving positive change. Let us explore the sustainable advantages of roadshows. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Roadshows champion the concept of […]
In the fast-paced world of business, where agility and adaptability reign supreme, the concept of a traditional office is evolving. Enter the era of the mobile office— a dynamic and transformative solution that brings productivity to new horizons. Now, imagine combining the power of the mobile office with the captivating allure of roadshows. Brace yourself […]
Calling all trailblazers ready to take their roadshow experience to extraordinary new heights! Get ready to transcend the limits of possibility through the array of promotional units: the magnificent InfoVan—an awe-inspiring evolution from the beloved InfoWheels. Just like our esteemed partners Eaton and Huawei, who have harnessed the undeniable power of roadshows in their marketing […]
As the festival season draws near, anticipation fills the air, and with it comes the need for an exceptional pop-up stand. But fear not, for we have the ultimate solution that will make heads turn and hearts skip a beat—the EggStreamer/XL! Allow us to unravel its wonders and showcase why it is the epitome of […]
The past few years have undoubtedly posed significant challenges for the events industry. From the global pandemic that brought the industry to a standstill to the subsequent financial crisis fueled by rising inflation, the road to recovery has been arduous. However, despite these obstacles, the events industry has proven its resilience and adaptability. As we […]
Step up and join Saucony’s exhilarating “Take Courage Tour” as they hit the road with a fully branded InfoWheels. Get ready to immerse yourself in the dynamic Saucony spirit and embark on an inspiring run alongside a vibrant community of like-minded individuals! At Saucony, they believe that pushing your limits requires courage. Whether you’re aiming […]
Did you know that attending a brand activation and experiencing a product firsthand can profoundly impact consumer behaviour? Studies show that a staggering 98% of participants are more inclined to make a purchase after engaging with brand activation, and an impressive 70% become loyal customers! In the summer of 2022, our EggStreamers embarked on an […]
The “Airbus” Expandable participated in the remarkable Eurosatory, the world’s premier exhibition for defence and security products, held during the summer of 2022. The event proved to be an astounding success, with an impressive gathering of over 1,700 exhibitors, attracting a staggering 62,000 visitors from more than 150 countries. Among the highlights was the prominent […]
Embarking on an epic journey, Huawei is proud to announce its highly anticipated Europe Enterprise Roadshow for the year 2023. This remarkable roadshow will span across 22 countries, bringing Huawei’s cutting-edge technologies and captivating presentations to customers throughout Europe. For the sixth consecutive year, Huawei has harnessed the power of its Mobile Showroom, a dynamic […]